
Re: Ethernet Interfaces

> From: Vishal Zinjuvadia <zvishal@ittc.ukans.edu>
> Subject: Re: Ethernet Interfaces
>   Current Hardware tree:
>   isa.isa
>         0xe400.epc100 SMC EPIC/100 83c170 Ethernet Adaptor

Well, thats a tipoff. It appears that the de4x5 driver is not quite
complete. If loaded as a kernel module, it will correctly scan for all the
devices and create the required kernel data structures. However, when
compiled as a static driver (MODULE not defined, as is done in the oskit),
it scans the bus, but does not do anything with the additional cards. No
device structure is created and linked into the list of network devices.

So, while the fix is not too terribly hard, someone (perhaps you?) with a
de4x5 card will need to fix it. The best thing to do is look at how the
tulip card scans the bus, calling init_etherdev for each card it finds.


Leigh B. Stoller
Computer Science - Flux Research Group