
Re: Ethernet Interfaces

>Are you calling start_devices() in your kernel, and are you getting some
>output thats starts with "Probing devices...\n" followed by some more
>output? Could you send the output?

 I am calling start_network in my kernel. However I have changed the
argument passed to start_conf_network in start_network.c.
 I am getting output like this;
  Creating OS environment..
  Probing Devices ..
  Probing ac3200
  Current Hardware tree:
        0xe400.epc100 SMC EPIC/100 83c170 Ethernet Adaptor
  Calling init_time_counter
  Calling inittodr
  Configuring ether dev0 as de0
  bootp: Trying bootp with epic100 card (00:e0:29:31:97:70) ...
  It then asks for IP addresses and Netmask from the user
>> Attaching network interface de0
  It then prompts for hostname and domain name and then configures the
host and says 'Network Configuration complete'.          

 I even printed out the result of 'osenv_device_lookup' which comes out to
be 1.

>What version of the oskit are you running?

  Cinco De Mayo ( 20000505 version)
