
Re: ask for help


> The oskit-990722 and kaffe-1.0.5 are downloaded form Flux web pages,


>	(2) Then I execute oskit-configure in directory of
>	    /kaffe-1.0.5/.. , and don¡¯t ¡°make distclean¡± before
>	    oskit-configure. oskit-configure will reconfigure the
>	    Makefile. Of course, oskit-990722 has been installed
>	    properly. I have checked many examples of it.

If I understand correctly, you are building the native linux version
of Kaffe and then the OSKit version of Kaffe in the same build tree.
I would be surprised if that worked.  I suggest you use a separate
object tree for each build of Kaffe.  Something like this:

% mkdir obj-native
% cd obj-native
% ../kaffe-1.0.5/configure [whateverKaffeOptionsYouWant]
% make all install
% cd ..
% mkdir obj-oskit
% cd obj-oskit
% ../kaffe-1.0.5/config/i386/oskit/oskit-configure [other config options]
% make all install


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       tullmann@cs.utah.edu
		   A closed mouth gathers no foot.
