
ask for help

 Dear Sir:

       First, thank you for your answer!
       The oskit-990722 and kaffe-1.0.5 are downloaded form Flux web pages, and each of them can work properly in RedHat6.0. I have installed the OSKit's header files and libraries properly in term of Readme file (make use of ./configure –prefix=”path”). And I also tell Kaffe by--oskitdir= “path” to oskit-configure where the installed OSKit files are. I do all above these by follow:
      (1) I install the kaffe-1.0.5 first, and kaffe, kaffeh ,javac, etc are all right
(2) Then I execute oskit-configure in directory of /kaffe-1.0.5/.. , and don’t  “make distclean” before oskit-configure. oskit-configure will reconfigure the Makefile. Of course, oskit-990722 has been installed properly. I have checked many examples of it.
(3) When I make all, the errors will happen as follow:
The files of “kaffevm/systems/oskit-pthreads/*.h such as jthread.h which include <oskit/*.h>” Cannot be found out! 
       For solve these questions, I try to modify the items of Makefile of oskit-pthreads directory such as INCLUDE ,CPPFLAGS, and add the full path of ./oskit-990722/oskit/. But when remake in ./kaffe-1.0.5/,the error is still. I also find those items modified don’t be executed by make. Why? Now, I don’t know how to solve these questions.

      Would you like to give me more advices for these questions? 
      Thank you again!

