
Re: The wimp libraries [also Nano-X/Microwindows]


> I couldn't find the wimp libraries with the new snapshot 2000.
> I think it was not provided by the oskit developers.

You're right.  We removed them in December 1999 for three reasons.

The fundamental reason was a licensing problem.  Wimpi is derived from
Bellcore's MGR window manager whose copyright restricts commercial
use.  That is incompatible with the GPL, under which most of the OSKit
is licensed, including (obviously) the Linux-derived code.

Secondly, it appeared that this licensing problem could be fixed by
decoupling the implementation and distribution of Wimpi from the rest
of the OSKit.  Initial investigation suggested that to be doable but
non-trivial.  The reason we didn't pursue it is the third and final
reason: Wimpi seemed to be used by few people, if any.  Matter of
fact, you are the first we've heard of.  Anyone else out there?  If
you'd like to work on decoupling the two we'd be happy to fold your
changes back in.

> If anyone can help and tell me where can i find those libraries
> i would be very gratefull.

All of our earlier snapshots and distributions are still spinning
around on ftp://flux.cs.utah.edu/flux/oskit/ .

Hope this helps.

p.s.  Another reason we dropped Wimpi is that it is a pretty "wimpy"
window system.  A newer system I recently became aware of which seems
promising is Nano-X/Microwindows, http://microwindows.censoft.com/ .
We've never tried it, however.  If anyone out there has opinions or
experience with it, please chime in.