
OSkit and LinuxBIOS

Hello from Gregg C Levine
Has any of you on this list besides myself, heard of the LinuxBIOS
project? Their goal is to use Linux to create firmware which can bring
a supported motherboard from power on to full functionality in the
shortest time possible. 

The reason why I am asking, is to see how many of us, besides me, are
also interested in this idea. Please submit only positive replies
directly to me. If you have not, or have little interest in this
subject, or just don't know what I mean, do not reply to me. You can
also ignore the posting on the list, I won't be offended.

What I want to do, is to combine the LinuxBIOS arrangement, with the
completed OSkit kernel. Even a simple test kernel, will do for this.
Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon@worldnet.att.net
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"Use the Force, Luke."  Obi-Wan Kenobi
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to General Obi-Wan Kenobi )
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda )