
questions about grub and multiboot_header

     the first question:  grub has two steps:stage1 and stage2,stage1 is used to load stage2 and jumps to the stage2's starting address,then stage2 begins to work.I don't know the detail about stage2.

     second: in oskit's files ,multiboot_header is is located near the beginning of all MultiBoot-compliant kernel executables.I don't know it is initialized by which file.

     third: in /boot/mulbitoot/main.c main() function :

                h = (struct multiboot_header*)(boot_modules[0].start+i);

 I don't know what is the contents of "boot_modules[0]", maybe boot_modules it is device driver,but here,I don't think boot_modules[0] is device drivers,.

can someone help me ?

thanks .


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