
Re: local loopback

[ Sorry, your message didn't get through, posting is restricted to members
  of the oskit-users list.  I've forwared it on here... ]

To answer your question, I believe the loopback device doesn't work because
there was no interface to ifconfig it.  Maybe someone else on the list
remembers more. 

> From: "sandeep sarat" <sandeep_sarat@hotmail.com>
> To: oskit-users@fast.cs.utah.edu
> Subject: local loopback
> Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 17:12:15 +0000
> I was working on some socket stuff using oskit. The http_proxy kernel
> seems to work fine for me but I am running into some problems with the lo 
> interface. Do i have to make some special initializations for configuring 
> the lo interface at the startup? Using the IP address of the local machine 
> instead of gives me a "No buffer space available" error.
> PS: I am using vmware for testing the kernels. I was not able to test the
> socket_com kernels as vmware just "disappeared" while booting them.
> Thanks for any help
> Sarat