
Re: oskit/linux?

[ Your message bounced to me since we disallow posting from non-members.
  But, it so happens I can answer your question! ]

> From: "Andrew M. Miklic" <AndrwMklc@cs.com>
> To: <oskit-users@cs.utah.edu>
> Subject: oskit/linux?
> Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 09:51:46 -0600
> I am working on the port of OSKit to the Alpha architecture, and I am
> currently struggling with the linux directory. I tried to just do a bland
> copy of stock 2.4.10 linux/include/asm-alpha and linux/arch/alpha to the
> appropriate places in oskit/linux, but I get alot of errors about incude
> files missing. When I compared what is in the i386 branches to what is in
> the stock 2.4.10 directories, there are some significant differences--is
> there a specific kernel version that these files are taken from (i.e.,
> 2.4.???), or are there some specific changes that are required to certain
> files nevertheless?
> Sincerely,
> Andrew Miklic

The Linux code in linux/src was taken from 2.2.14 many moons ago.
It is a significant undertaking to upgrade the code base (we have done
it twice before).  We really, really need to do it (for improved device
support if nothing else), but we don't have the resources here (Utah) to
dedicate to the task right now.
