
OSKit / OSKit-Mach - general questions

Hi, I'm a part-time hacker with OSKit and OSKit-Mach for
the Debian Hurd project and have some general questions
about OSKit in relation to these.

1. Prevously, Roland stated that OSKit doesn't need to be
cross-compiled in any special way for use with for example
Hurd or OSKit-Mach. If this is the case, then assuming my
Hurd OS was mounted on /gnu while in Linux, I could build
OSKit like "../configure --prefix=/gnu" correct? Then doing
make install would install everything I need into Hurd so that
when I reboot I can use the OSKit SDK natively with Hurd?

2. Do I even need to install OSKit in Hurd? Will "kernel" boot
standalone or does it need to look on the disk for drivers and

3. Likewise, if OSKit-Mach doesn't need to be cross-compiled
for Hurd, then which mach headers do I install into Linux to
be able to build OSKit-Mach? Do I need mach headers?

4. Concerning MIG, does OSKit-Mach require MIG? Do I need
any special variant of it? Where / how do I get the right one?

5. Is there a "walkthrough" for making OSKit and OSKit-Mach
in Linux which will work with Hurd? Presumably I should be
able to just compile all this stuff in Linux, copy my resulting
"kernel" in to /gnu/boot and then boot it up with GRUB, right?

6. What are the latest instructions regarding kernel boot options?
I don't need to use serverboot.gz anymore, right?

Thats all that comes to mind right now. Thanks.

- Doug
