
ext2 partition support

	I'm having some difficulty getting the support for ext2 partitions
to work. Specifically, I'm trying to run the fsread example
(examples/x86/fsread). I've got a linux partition, hdb1, that I'm trying
to read a file from. I've got a disk name of wd1, and a partition name of
"a". The only thing I've changed in fsread.c is the file name (to
"/gorganzola"), and the open call to fsread (to fsread_ext2_open). Despite
the fact that I've got a file at the root of hdb1 called gorganzola, I get

>>>Opening the disk wd1
Dump of trap_state at 0x001f1258
And all the register state stuff, and it says trapno0 and error 0000000
Then it terminates due to trap.

Has anyone used the fsread kernel to read from an ext2 partition?
Any ideas about what I might be doing wrong?

steve muckle

| Steve Muckle
| Electrical & Computer Engineering
| Carnegie Mellon University
| Visit http://smuckle.com today!