
Re: GRUB, bochs, debugging, and OSKit

> 2. I'm looking into using OSKit + bochs for an OS course.  (The Plex86 web
> site says, "Warning: experimental code intended for developers only," so
> I'm not too keen on trying to use Plex86 for a virtual machine.)  I'd like
> to make sure that my students have reasonable debugging facilities.  I
> know that OSKit has hooks for debugging over a serial line; does anyone
> know if it is possible to make use of this under the bochs emulator?
> (And if so, how?)

There's a little info here about debugging an OS with Bochs:


One cool feature that Bochs has now is multiprocessor emulation.

I've only played with Bochs, and never used it for debugging.  VMWare is
a lot easier to install/configure, and it's a lot faster.

