
OSKIT & opensource

	Hmmm... just checked my e-mail and found a bit of bickering on the 
oskit-user group....  not what it's for (agree with the responses though).
	Open source is a valuable movement & I suggest that if you disagree that 
you try Linux Mandrake 8.0.  It beats out Solaris UNIX 8.0 any day (except 
in SMP's larger than 8 & Solaris has IP V.6).
	I've worked with oskit to write systems applications such as partition 
managers, file backup/restore utilities, hobby-operating systems, and 
experiments of my own.  All of this I could not have done without 
open-source.  With GNU I've been able to understand POSIX compliant UNIX 
platforms, C, C++, FORTRAN, and Java programming as a high schooler without 
having to buy expesive comercial products.

	As for the question of oskit compiling on beos this is my response:
	1)If beos has a posix compliant c library your c library is 		not a problem
	2)If your gcc compiler & linker are gcc compliant and can make 		elf 
executables you're fine

	If that doesn't solve it look for the latest gcc compiler, assembler, and 
linker.  You may also look into remaking the make files for the beos make 
program... if you look at Windows their makefiles (for MS Visual C++) are 
WAY different.
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