
Re: Networking question

> I know that OS-Kit by itself allows for link-level network access in a
> fairly nice manner, but is it possible to get a similar level of access
> when running with Kaffe?

You can wrap the OSKit interfaces with JNI or KNI and access them
through Java that way.  That shouldn't be too hard.  Look at
libraries/javalib/java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.java and the
corresponding code in libraries/clib/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c.

We've done something similar with Janos.  We glue the OSKit, Moab,
the JanosVM, and the Janos Java NodeOS together to provide Java code
with access to low-level networking primitives (from Moab).  That
probably isn't what you're after, but there are some real nice APIs in 
there for doing low-level networking from Java.  Look at this:


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       tullmann@cs.utah.edu
	    Research is not just an adventure, its a job.
