
Re: Fork()

> From: "Peter Roby" <petajoules@hotmail.com>
> To: oskit-users@fast.cs.utah.edu
> Subject: Fork()
> Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 15:38:41 
>     I am trying to use the Fork() function to create a new process.  We are 
> working on creating a basic bootable kernel that will allow "task 
> switching."  We have found various examples of the Fork() Function, most 
> also include the getpid() function.  However, when we boot using our kernel 
> and then run this series of functions, just as the examples show, our kernel 
> prints out 5 hex sequences followed by the _exit(1) command which reboots 
> our system.  If we run just the Fork() function, the system crashes.  If we 
> run just the getpid() function, it works okay, as far as we can see.  Any 
> help is much appreciated (-:
>         Peta

Fork is not supported in the released version of the OSKit as there is no
notion of a "process".  (We have defined a basic process model that will be
in a future release.)