
Re: Moab and socktest

Vaughan Knight wrote:
> Then it crashes, giving a HEX backtrace and then giving this
> output: "NodeOS: Got signal 11"

That's an error.  It means the OSKit or Moab segfaulted in an
unexpected place.  You can convert the hex backtraces to symbolic
backtraces by running the sym-trace script installed by the OSKit over
the kernel (not the bmod).  You'll want to look the script over and
perhaps hack it up a bit for your environment.

Do you have more than four ethernet cards in the machine this fails
on?  There's a bug in the OSKit startup library that would cause
problems, if you do.

> Secondly, I have been reading through some of the code and I have been
> thinking that maybe the SocketTest example needs to be recoded with
> OSkit specific initialization code.  Any help here is greatly
> appreciated too.

It shouldn't be necessary to add OSKit-specific initialization, that
should all be taken care of during Moab's setup phase.


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       tullmann@cs.utah.edu
	      The early bird gets the worm, so sleep in.
