
Request for suggestions

I've recently tried porting some code from Linux to OSkit, which does very
little except use threads, the IP stack (for small messages; nothing over
at 1024 bytes) and lots of malloc/calloc ing.

I've tested the code under linux on 2 machines:
	Celeron 330A
	64MB of memory
	10MBs Network, connected via hubs

and tested the code using the OSKit with 2 machines of even better
	Celeron 700
	256MB of memory
	100MBs network, connected via switches

yet the OSkit version is many times slower (subjectively, 1 order of
magnitude). I know that I haven't provided very much information, but has
anyone come across this problem before? Could my heavy use of malloc et al
be causing the slowdown?

Thanks in advance.

"The security option tells how secret the information is ... In practice,
all routers ignore it, so its only practical function is to help spies
find the good stuff more easily."
   --- Andrew Tanenbaum, "Computer Networks".
| Voon-Li Chung	        | PhD Student, Inline-Hockey Player    |
| vlchung@cs.uwa.edu.au | http://www.cs.uwa.edu.au/~vlchung    |

Follow-Ups: References: