
Re: hardware & OS related!

On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios wrote:
> 1) Which book on computer organization & arch do you suggest  me?

Grab an Intel manual from their website.  It's huge, but
light reading.  Written more like a tutorial than a manual.

If you are looking for introductory material on OSes, grab one
of these from the library.  It doesn't matter which one, they
are all pretty much the same:

Avi Silberschatz et al., Applied Operating System Concepts
H.M. Deitel, Operating Systems, 2nd ed.
Gary Nutt, Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective
Andrew Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems

We use Deitel's book for a Junior-level OS class.  The resp.
graduate course uses Mukesh Singhal et al., Advanced Concepts
in Operating Systems.  The latter is more about distributed
OSes, but it is also introductory material.

> 3) A friend o' mine suggested me two books on OS: The Design of 4.4BSD
> OS and UNIX Internals: the new frontiers, are they worth ?

4.4BSD is a good one.  Haven't read the latter.

> 4) Are these book a good reading for a total begginner? If not what one
> do you suggest in order to get the necessary background on OS to be able
> to read the above ones ?

4.4BSD assumes that you know how to program and that you know
UNIX.  But it's OK to be a beginner in OSes, you will still
understand most of it.


Follow-Ups: References: