
RE: linker/library problem

I guess you did it but... Have you run ./configure before make?
I've also had trouble running RedHat 7 with mklinuximage there is a note
about it.


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Andreas Krennmair [mailto:a.krennmair@aon.at]
Enviado el: martes 19 de diciembre de 2000 15H42'
Para: oskit-users@cs.utah.edu
Asunto: linker/library problem


I can't even get the hello world example working. When I go to the
examples/x86 directory in the oskit build tree, and enter 'make', the
output is the following:

gcc -c -o hello.o -DOSKIT -MD -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -DOSKIT_X86 -DOSKIT_X86_PC
-I. -I../../../oskit-20000901/examples/x86
-I../../../oskit-20000901/examples/x86/shared  -I-
-I../../../oskit-20000901/examples/x86/shared -I../..
-I../../../oskit-20000901 -nostdinc -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -O2 -g
ld -Ttext 100000  -L../../lib \
        -o hello ../../lib/multiboot.o hello.o          \
        -loskit_clientos -loskit_kern -loskit_lmm \
        -loskit_c ../../lib/crtn.o
ld: cannot find -loskit_c
make: *** [hello] Error 1

I already did a 'make' and a 'make install' before, and it seemed to install
everything to /usr/local. What did I do wrong?

Andreas Krennmair
int ggt(int a,int b){while(a>b?(a%=b):(b%=a));return(a?a:b);}