
x86 physical memory probe?

I am slowly picking my way through understanding what happens as OsKit
starts up. The background on this is that I am considering using OsKit
components as EROS drivers, and I want to understand how the OsKit
environment comes into existence. As I read through the OsKit code, I will
occasionally ask questions and once in a while make observations. I'm
hopeful that the observations will be helpful, and ideally they will lead to
improvements in OsKit, but they could also reflect my ignorance, and I beg
your indulgence in advance if I make mistakes.

The biggest thing I'm currently confused about is who goes out and probes
the physical memory configuration, how this gets passed to the initial
memory map, and where the call is made to initialize that memory map. Clues
greatfully accepted on this.

Follow-Ups: References: