
Re: BUG (?) in oskit lance driver

Le Vendredi 24 Novembre 2000 03:35, vous avez écrit :

> > Mostly for kicks, I was trying to make netboot work under VMWare. I have
> tried two netboot kernels -- one with just the lance driver from the
> autobuilder web page, the other built (by me) under RH7.0 using kgcc (per
> previous mail). I see the same results from both kernels (which I suppose
> should be encouraging, since my own build isn't crashing altogether :-)
> The netboot kernel comes up, prompts, and I tell it to proceed. It then
> probes some very ridculous number of ethernet interfaces (it gets as high
> as "eth357"), announcing with each one that it has found the AMD PCI Net
> card. Mind you, there is only one such card in the VMWare emulator!
> I'm guessing that what is going on here is that the Lance driver is
> configuring the card -- it's definitely getting all the way to the end of
> the probe1() rountine -- but is then failing to recognize that the card has
> already been configured. Does this seem possible?
> Any clues greatfully accepted. Before I try to debug yet another kernel I
> thought I'ld ask if anyone has seen this before.
> Oh. It's VMWare for Linux 2.02.
> I'll just boot kernels off a hacked boot floppy for now, but I suspect that
> VMWare is one configuration you guys will want to have work.. ;-)
> Oh. The kernel sometimes (not always) gets as far as issuing bootp
> requests. VMware's dhcpd definitely sees them and issues BOOTREPLY packets
> if one hacks their dhcpd.conf file appropriately. It does not appear that
> the netboot kernel ever sees the replies, however, as it proceeds to run
> the bootp() protocol on the next card (which is, of course, the same card
> as before...).

Yes, there is really a problem... I encountered it with oskit-20000505 
compiled on a Mandrake 7.0 system (it was the the current Mandrake release at 
the time I tried). And I gave up because I could work with PCs connected by 
an ethernet network and serial links. I don't remember the VMWare version I 
Anyway, I'm very interested in a correction of this bug. So, go on Jonathan ! 
And send the patch to the mailing-list if you succeed !
