
Re: kaffe/oskit-20000505

Steve wrote:
> Sorry to bother you guys again...

No problem.  The OSKit/Kaffe build is a bit complicated...

Which version of Kaffe are you using?  CVS?  1.0.5?

> I have the oskit and the normal kaffe built, and I'm ready to do the kaffe
> for oskit.  It's untarred and ready to go.  Where and when do I use the
> patch for newer versions of oskit?  I've been trying...
> inside /projects/IANS/kaffe4oskit/kaffe-on-oskit:
> oskit-configure --prefix=/projects/IANS/kaffe4oskit/kaffe-on-oskit \

I wouldn't set prefix to your kaffe source directory.  That will only
cause great pain later on.

>                 --srcdir=/projects/IANS/kaffe4oskit/kaffe-on-oskit \
>                 --oskitdir=/projects/IANS/kaffe4oskit/oskit-20000505 \
>                 --oskitcc=x86-oskit-gcc \

The oskit-configure script should find x86-oskit-gcc, so you shouldn't 
have to set this.  Also, --oskitdir should point to the place the
oskit was *installed*.  (E.g., the directory you gave as the --prefix
when you configured/installed the OSKit.)

> then I try make all, but it comes up with errors that seem to be from the
> oskit directories with threads
> /projects/IANS/kaffe4oskit/oskit-20000505/lib/liboskit_threads.a(pthread_cond.o):
> In function `pthread_cond_timedwait':
> etc, etc...

Could you give me these errors?  (Just send it directly to me, the
list doesn't need to see it....)

> Also, I had it all working with the aid of a co-worker, but when I tried
> to edit some of the oskit code, and then tried to re make it, I messed it
> up somehow.  If I edit the code, what are the steps I have to take to make
> it ready and once again prepare both kaffe and oskit to create an image.  

If you edit the OSKit, you must re-compile and re-install the OSKit:
	cd <oskitdir>
	make all
	make install

Then you must re-link Kaffe.  Kaffe's makefiles do *not* automatically 
depend upon OSKit libraries, so you have to force Kaffe to be
	cd <kaffedir>
	rm kaffe/kaffe/Kaffe
	make -C kaffe/kaffe Kaffe
	make install

The Kaffe binary in your Kaffe install tree should be all set.  If
you're building on Linux, I highly recommed building an OSKit/Unix
version of Kaffe first.  (Pass '--oskitunix' to the oskit-configure
script in Kaffe).  Its much easier to make sure the basic things work
when running on top of Linux.


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       tullmann@cs.utah.edu
      That which does not kill you just didn't try hard enough.
