
Re: liboskit_dpf_dpf

> From: Vishal Zinjuvadia <zvishal@ittc.ukans.edu>
> Subject: Re: liboskit_dpf_dpf 
> 	I guess I need the dpf source to be compiled to form the
> liboskit_dpf_dpf. OSKit doesnot seem to have the dpf source included in
> the distribution (Cinco de Mayo). Do I have to link with the original dpf
> distribution. I got the following error while configuring OSKit:

Sorry about that. The dpf source code was not in the distribution. We fixed
that problem and it will be in the next one. In the meantime, you can pick
up just the dpf source at


Untar that file into your oskit tree.


Leigh B. Stoller
University of Utah - Flux Research Group