
Re: Serial Console

>   I am experimenting with some language kernels and using a VGA console to
> see the output after booting using GRUB. I would like to shift to a serial
> console to enable reading of messages which just scroll away presently.
> What are the changes required to be made in the OSKit code to enable this?

Look at Chapter 1 of the docs and you will see one way to control this:
   1.6 Using the OSKit 
            1.6.1 Example Kernels 
            1.6.2 Booting Kernels 
==>         1.6.3 Command line arguments 

See 1.6.3 for the -h flag,

It's possible that conventions for passing command line arguments
have changed since this part of the doc was updated,
and you can probably hard-wire the console too,
so genuine hackers may need to correct this msg.