
Re: linking to Math library with OSKit 20000202

> I'm no longer using -lz, but I do need a Math library. You say that
> liboskit_m is included, but I can't find it anywhere. Do I have to build
> oskit with a special flag to build it?

> Here is my link output (it just shows the Math functions that are missing 
> and some pthread references which I will fix later):

> [jewel@svetlana kissme_makeme]$ make -f oskit-Makefile
> ld -Ttext 100000 -L/home/jewel/oskit-install/lib/ -L/home/jewel/oskit-install/lib/oskit  \
> -o kissmeimage  /home/jewel/oskit-install/lib/oskit/multiboot.o lib/indigenous/java.io/File.o 
> <snipped a whole lot of my object files>
> -loskit_threads \
> -loskit_startup -loskit_clientos -loskit_fsnamespace  \
> -loskit_memfs -loskit_dev -loskit_kern -loskit_lmm -loskit_posix \
> /home/jewel/oskit-install/lib/oskit/crtn.o -loskit_freebsd_c  -loskit_com -loskit_freebsd_net -loskit_bootp -loskit_linux_dev  -loskit_bootp -loskit_c

The math library is liboskit_freebsd_m.a

You still seem to have both the freebsd C library and the minimal C
library, -loskit_freebsd_c and -loskit_c above.

I once tried using the freebsd math library with the minimal C library.
I decided the freebsd math library depended too heavily on the freebsd
C libray, so I switched C libraries.

Hope this helps,

PS. If I'm treading on any toes by trying to answer questions like this
    then please say!

Follow-Ups: References: