
Linux ext2 filesystem


    I would like to report some problems
  with Linux FS library and Linux devices.

  First, my kernel code disables IRQs trought
    pic_set_irqmask( 0xFFFF ) ;
  before any initialization.

  Until I use oskit_linux_init_net,
  oskit_dev_probe  works correctly (i.e. devices
    are probed and network connection is OK)

  When I try oskit_linux_init_ide,
  oskit_dev_probe remains stuck after printing
  the identification string of my hard disk.

  So I guess that IDE device does not unmask PIC
  before probing devices, whereas network device does.
  Why ? It seems incorrect to me.

  I succeeded in detecting IDE drives and mounting
  ext2fs partition as READ ONLY filesystem.

  When I read files on this partition, I first do
  'lstat' on it (from FreeBSD C library) and I get the
  following message
'FS_LINUX_ll_rw_block: oskit_blkio_read: 0 expected 4096'
  with almost 50% of existing files on current directory.
  What should I understand, is there something to correct ?
  Then, I mounted ext2fs filesystem as a mount point
  of a memory filesystem,
  / is memfs and /disk is ext2fs mount point.
  if I remain on /disk directory,
   chdir("..") returns correctly to /
  but if I go to /disk/etc and do then chdir("..") twice,
  current directory remains '/disk'
  I have to do chdir("/") to return to root memfs.
  Has ext2fs filesystem COM object a bug to correct ?

  Thanks for having read 'til here,
  I always ask too many questions ;))

-- Yves Martin --- Elève-ingénieur ENSIMAG - 3e année ---
  Adr : R.H.B. Ch. 765     Yves.Martin@ensimag.imag.fr   
  2 av. J. O.  GRENOBLE      Tél: 04 76 44 20 01         
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