
Re: Example kernel "pingreply" doesnt work

> From: Vishal Zinjuvadia <zvishal@ittc.ukans.edu>
> Subject: Example kernel "pingreply" doesnt work
> 	I have the oskit (Ground-Hog) release installed. I am able to boot
> the example kernel "pingreply". I successfully booted the "helloworld"
> kernel. Even in the pingreply kernel, I get no error messages, the
> ethernet card and the drivers are recognized, but when we ping the host
> running the kernel, we get a "destination unreachable" message.

This sounds like an ARP problem, although that seems strange cause
pingreply is written to respond to arp queries for itself. You could
publish an ARP entry on another machine on your network to make sure.
On a freebsd box I would do that (as root) like this:

	arp -s 0:c0:f0:4c:36:53 pub

If it is indeed an arp problem, then pingreply is not responding. You could
try tcpdump on another machine to see whats actually happening, or put some
print statements in the arp response section of net_receive() in
pingreply.c to make sure its getting the queries and sending out replies.


Leigh B. Stoller                     Computer Science - Flux Research Group
stoller@cs.utah.edu                  University of Utah
http://www.cs.utah.edu/~stoller      Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Voice: (541) 929-2666                FAX: (801) 585-3743