
Re: Is OSKit suitable for embedded real time?

Re "Is OSKit suitable for embedded real time?"
The simple answer is "yes".

Leigh Stoller has recently added a bunch of support for realtime,
since the last snapshot.  He'll post something about it and we'll get
the code out Real Soon.  (Any delays are mainly due to being consumed
by hacking various other things for some paper deadlines.)  I think we
also wanted to run some per-thread scheduling latency tests before
declaring this stuff entirely good.

Re doc on HAL layer and porting:
Someone else may elaborate, but I'll take a stab.  There is no
explicit porting documentation, but just look for 'x86' and 'arm32'
directories and you'll see what needs to be done.  The arm32
(StrongARM) port was done with modest effort (a couple of weeks or a
month?).  UNSW can answer on how long it took for their 64-bit MIPS
port, which they expect to release pretty soon.  Maybe they have
generatred some informal docs on porting?

Re MMU: it's not fundamentally required as far as I know, but others
need to comment on which parts of the code would need to be tweaked to
run without one.