
strange kernel message


I am trying to get the hello kernel working.  I have been able to compile
the OSKit and compile the sample 'hello' kernel.  I've put GRUB stage1 on
a floppy, and mounted an IDE drive which is empty aside from the fact that
it's formatted with ext2 and has stage2 in /boot and hello in /boot/grub
(it has two files only: no oskit libraries).  When I type 'kernel =
(hd0,0)/boot/grub/hello', GRUB does seem to find the 'hello' kernel, but
it only outputs about three long hexidecimal numbers and then exits,
returning me to the GRUB shell.  What I thought it was supposed to do was
print "Hello."  When I examine the 'hello' file back in linux-land, it
tells me that it is a staticly linked file (One guess I had was that the
kernel needed the OSKit libraries and that the hex values were pointers to
those libraries).  Any suggested solutions would be greatly appreciated.

BTW: the eventual goal is to write some kind of database OS (particularly 
with memory management and a file system that would make a db happy), so
if any readers have ideas in that direction, please let me know.


