
stderr, Was Re: Putting files with $'s into the multiboot image

> > How do I put files with '$' in the name into the multiboot image?
> Here's a patch to mkmb2 to fix the problem.  You should be able to do:
> 	mkmb2 jvmimage */*.class 
> and have it work even with inner classes.  (We ran into exactly the
> same problem).

> Note this patch is for the mkmb2.in file, but it should "just work" on 
> the generated script.

Thank you very much. I didn't use mkmbimage because it takes too long with
~1500 files.
> BTW, what JVM are you using for this?

I'm working with a VM that was developed at my University. It has features
like support for orthogonal persistence which aren't found in most VMs
(and not in free ones).

My goal is to use the JVM as the core part of an experimental operating
system, somewhat like KaffeOS and what the JOS project are doing.

If things go well I might make a public release sometime soon. 

Which brings me to another problem, when I'm building the oskit image I
link like this:

-loskit_startup -loskit_clientos -loskit_fsnamespace \
-loskit_memfs -loskit_dev -loskit_kern -loskit_lmm -loskit_c -loskit_posix \
$(OBJDIR)/lib/crtn.o -loskit_freebsd_c -loskit_com    

This works well except for two linker errors:

/../../src/classfil.c:386: undefined reference to `stderr'

the other can't find 

 undefined reference to `__assert_fail'

I can easily turn off the usage of assert, but what should I be linking
with to get stderr? Or can I assign stderr to stdout?

John Leuner

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