
Re: No luck with Kaffe

> I found I needed to add -DNO_SHARED_LIBRARIES to the CPPFLAGS because
> otherwise kaffe/kaffevm/slib.h would try to use dynamic linking
> functions from <dlfcn.h>; the `configure' flags <dlfcn.h>'s presence
> (it's in the FreeBSD Libc headers coming with the OSKit), and slib.h
> uses it even though I configured with "--with-staticlib".

I'm pretty sure you still need to have the lib directory populated
with the relevant .la files.  (I configure kaffe with
--enable-staticlib, but I'm not sure if that's identical to
-DNO_SHARED_LIBRARIES.)  The .la file requirement is a feature of
libtool, I belive...

> When I boot my -DNO_SHARED_LIBRARIES'd Kaffe, I get:
>   CLASSPATH = /home/hohmuth/tmp/tmp:/home/hohmuth/local/share/kaffe/Klasses.jar

Is /home/hohmuth/<etc> visible to your OSKit kernel?  I use bmods, and
have to install all the .la files, all of the relevant class and jar

Hope this helps some.  Let me know if it doesn't.


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       tullmann@cs.utah.edu

Follow-Ups: References: