
RE: FYI: vmware + oskit

Paul Anderson wrote on 09 October 1999 01:59 PM:
> On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Alistair J. R. Young wrote:

> > Now, if only someone had come up with a way to compile oskit kernels
> > NT (anyone? unlikely, I suppose, but never hurts to ask...), there
> > be any awkward pauses at all.

> If I where you, I would switch from NT and get going with either FreeBSD
> or Linux.

Linux is what I'm currently using to compile. However, it *is* Another
*&%!!*% Unix, and from having to admin various systems I've developed fairly
strong views on the appropriate place for Unices - namely as far from the
desktop and preferably me as possible.

(After all, if I liked it that much, I wouldn't be hacking around trying to
build my own OS, would I? :) )

> W2K is quickly becoming a joke, and a mighty big joke indeed.
> IMHO, it is really unsuitable for any use level of serious use - it lacks
> stability, efficiency, and intelligent design.

One quick word at this point: NFS. I'll leave it at that word, as I'd hate
to be dropped from this list for excessive OS advocacy (anyone determined to
convert me from the error of my ways may of course reach me through private

