
Re: com and gcc question

When I used to use Microsoft's ATL (Active Template Library,) I was
horrified that the their C++ compiler ommitted COM compatible vtables. 
Vtables are an abstract concept. You should not depend on their

While I've not studied COM in oskit (I'm mainly a passive lurker on this
list,) I can recommend that you NOT program COM directly in C++.

C++ does, however, provide a good framework for using COM, by having the
COM table as a private table that is referenced from the C++ mothods eg:

class IFoo {
	struct {
		// This table hopefully should be in a COM compatible
		// format. If were going to be pedantic, maybe we should
		// just have an array of pointers in here, and use casts
		// in the main code.

		// Generic COM interface functions.
		HRESULT (*QueryInterface)(...);
		HRESULT (*AddRef)(...);
		HRESULT (*Release)(...);

		// Interface specific functions
		HRESULT (*Foo)(...);
	} * table;
	IFoo() {
		table = CoCreateInstance(/*Whatever*/);

	~IFoo() {

	HRESULT Foo(...) {
		return table->Foo(...);

The details of COM are hazy as I haven't touched it for a few years, so
take the details with a pinch of salt. The above framework, however,
should be uniform enough to be generated from a script from an IDL file or

If I've missed something, give me a shout. I've a feeling theres a problem
with this else Microsoft would have implemented it this way in the first 

Right, rambling over. I'll go back to lurking.

Christian Smith.

On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Pat Villani wrote:

>I was going through the oskit code and the COM interface.  As a result,
>I thought I'd code in C++ for a small project since COM instantiation is
>supposed to work for both C and C++.  Problems arose when I decided to
>look at the code generated by gcc for a virtual class for COM and found
>that the vtable layout isn't correct.  Checking back with the Microsoft
>spec, it looks like they played the 700 pound gorilla trick and forced
>compiler writers to conform to the "Microsoft Object Model" format in
>order to make COM and C++ compilers work together.
>Am I off base with this?  Do I need to write special classes for C++ in
>order to use gcc with the oskit COM objects?   Anyone have any pointers?

Follow-Ups: References: