
gethostbyname( )

I have a problem in using gethostbyname( ).

My system has OSKit  990722 version.
I tested gethostbyname by "make gethostbyname" at examples/extended.
Example source is at examples/more directory.

After make, message is below.
   . . .
   make: *** Warning:  Clock skew detected. Your build may be

When my system booting with this output, it doesnt work properly.
Is there anybody who solve this problem?

So, I tried it with 990402 version and booted.
In that case , error message is below.
  libc sendsig: Signal 8 caught but no handler
  Backtrace: fp=1a1ec8
   xxxx xxxx xxxx ...

Please give me good solution.
Thanks in advance.
Nam Han-seok
