
Re: xwindow in oskit

Alastair Reid wrote:
> I just made them even simpler by factoring them into two parts:
> 1) A bunch of COM wrapper functions (COM_foo*)
>    These are the same for any implementation of a given set of
>    interfaces and are contained in a header file to be #included into
>    the other part.
> 2) A bunch of worker functions (foo*) which do the actual work.
> The code isn't that much shorter - the gain is that the normal C
> hacker doesn't have to get bogged down in COMification and gets to
> share some of the more mind-numbing bits of code.
> The code is in
>   http://www2.cs.utah.edu/~reid/berlin19990817.tgz

It sure looks a whole lot simpler than most of what I've seen !
You should include this kind of stuff in a future version
of the OSKit --- in a skeletons/ directory, or something.

> Let me know if you find this useful and I'll do some more of these COM
> wrappers (suggestions for which ones to do welcome).

For the floppy driver I need a block device interface.
What I also would like to see are some instructions on
how to integrate such a driver into the rest of the OSKit
code, so that I can directly compile it in.

You see, it all becomes so much easier if I have the
skeleton code and all I have to do is write the functions
to do the actual hardware reads and writes...
> pps Thanks for the offer to write a floppy driver.  Contributions are
> very welcome and we certainly don't want the oskit to be a utah-only
> thing.

Heh.  I like doing it, just figuring out how the OSKit works takes
a lot of time...  I'm a bit impatient, I'd rather get down to the
hacking in stead of first having to figure out how all the interfaces
work ;)

