
Re: more newbie questions...

David G. Andersen wrote:
> Lo and Behold, Groman said:
> > Hi...sorry for bothering you...but I have several more questions:
> > 1) Since floppy driver is not implemented,  how would I go about
> > doing this stuff myself, I need to be able to write/read ext2fs
> > from the floppy. Of course, I can just read the whole floppy directly
> > into memory, but then I won't be able to use OSkit's file system
> > libraries, right?
>   Right.  You'd need to write or port a floppy driver to the OSkit
> framework.  Some suitable candidates would (obviously) be the FreeBSD,
> NetBSD, or Linux floppy drivers.  Be warned - it could be a pretty
> messy thing to do.

Have you ever considered porting VSTA drivers ?
Though not always as effieicnt as linux/*BSD drivers, I do
often find them inspiring if I need some example driver
code beside specs, and don't feel like wading though tremendous
piles of unreadable linux driver code (I'm very tempted to say
'mess' :)).
For a floppy, I guess performance wouldn't matter very much

I'd be willing to have a go at it, but I've never actually
written anything that works with the OSKit.  What does porting
a driver to the OSKit involve ?


Follow-Ups: References: