
Possible bug in netboot

I have noticed that in somes circumstances, oskit_init_libc() in
liboskit_freebsd_c crashes netboot.

To reproduce the problem :
You need :
- oskit 0.97
- netboot compiled with all the ethernet drivers (no customization done in
- a kernel witch is just :
  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  and is linked with liboskit_freebsd_c.a :
  (-loskit_kern -loskit_freebsd_c -loskit_com -loskit_kern -loskit_lmm )

Do the following :
1/ boot netboot
2/ launch the kernel from within netboot

The results:
- the kernel runs fine
- netboot regains control and begin to re-initialize
- then crashed somewhere in the middle of EISA_signature in de4x5.c

The beginning of an explanation
oskit_init_libc() calls signals_init() which calls libc_sendsig_init()
which calls libc_sendsig_init() which calls oskit_sendsig_init() which does
set_b1(NULL, DR7_LEN_4, DR7_RW_DATA); 
The comments says :
 * Set up the debug registers to catch null pointer references.

This is where the problem lies. When regaining control, netboot runs with
the modified values of the debug registers and traps.

What I have done
1/ In the kernel, I have saved the debug register before oskit_init_libc()
and restored them just before exit. The problem disappeared.

2/ I have customized linux_ethernet.h to generate a version of netboot 
with only one ethernet driver (there is no longer de3x4.c)
Again the problem disappeared.

So, I am happy, but may be someone will want to investigate further.


Bernard Cassagne                 Laboratoire CLIPS - IMAG
Domaine Universitaire       BP 53         38041 Grenoble CEDEX 9         FRANCE
tel:     fax:     e-mail:Bernard.Cassagne@imag.fr