
Re: [Q] How to call freebsd network functions...

> I want to use freebsd network functions in 'oskit/freebsd/net'
> like 'm_get()', 'm_free()' ( network buffer related functions).
> I thoutht these functions might be included in liboskit_freebsd_net.a 
> but when my program linked with that library, following error
> message occurs

What are you doing that requires mbufs?  There are no interfaces
in the OSKit that use them.  The oskit uses a bufio COM object for
passing data around.

Also, the definitions for those routines are `hidden' in a 
FreeBSD header file, that you cannot include from your program
(without hacking the include path or the Makefile)
> I think these functions are not included in a library.

They should not be exported by the library.  Functions are renamed
by the global.h file, which munges the `internal' function names
that are not intended to be externally referenced.
Try looking for symbols like FDEV_FREEBSD_m_free and
> How can I use these functions?   
> Or, how can I include these fuctions in a library ?

The library is intended to be used through the COM interfaces,
not through the internal interfaces and routines.  It does not
support using the internal routines directly.

You *could* access the original routines directly, but you do
so at your own peril...

Kevin Van Maren
University of Utah