
Re: Bootimage file size ?? of KaffeOS

Lo and behold, Johan Rydberg once said:
> "Sivaraman, Ganesh" wrote:
> > Could you let us know as to how much should be the size of the BOOT IMAGE
> > file for Kaffe OS. We just saw a mail which says that BOOT image file size
> > was 900KB but ours is well over 4MB. Also u have replied in that mail that
> > the image file can be very BIG with certain boot modules and debugging
> > symbols.
> Look to that gcc don't have the -g option when you are compiling and
> strip the image after the link (strip is in the GNU binutils package).

   Also (I realize this may sound obvious. :-) make sure you've configured
your oskit without the --enable-debug option.  It causes serious kernel
size bloat.

  If you're really trying to trim things down, then also try compiling
with --disable-asserts, which will get rid of a bunch of the internal
sanity checks.  You may regret this if you run in to weird problems,
though - the asserts often catch things before they get too strange.  This
is more for a speed improvement than a size improvement, but it can reduce
things by a bit.  The debugging symbols are by far the biggest culprit.


work: danderse@cs.utah.edu                     me:  angio@pobox.com
      University of Utah                            http://www.angio.net/
      Computer Science - Flux Research Group   "What's footnote FIVE?"
