
Re: Why why?...

On Sat, 13 Mar 1999, Joel M. Damaso wrote:
> 1. I installed oskit on a separate directory and I manage to make my own
> make file. I just used oskit samples and I compile them well. np. But
> everytime I run the os I got a backtrace error. Sometimes I got a
> osenv_release bla bla bla error. But I compiled everything without
> error. What do you think is the problem? Btw Im using the pthread_lock()
> and pthread_unlock() with it but I think there should be no error coz I
> followed exactly the requirements on thread programming.

Are you using <oskit-prefix>/bin/i?86-oskit-gcc in those make files? All I
had to do is tag the libs i needed on the end, just like a regular c
compiler; however, I've yet to play with pthreads.
> 2. Why is it that sometimes I can compile my source. I have to do a

Hope this helps.

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