
problem compiling GRUB


Maybe not the right question to ask in OSKit ML ... I am sorry if it
bothers you.  Is there a better ML to ask?

I compiled GRUB-0.5 on Linux-2.2.3 in Intel Pentium.  Other than four
warnings attached below, it compiled fine.  However, when I copied
stage1 and stage2 to a floppy and boots from it, GRUB does not start
up and the PC keeps rebooting.  Precompiled version of GRUB-0.5 works
fine, but I would like to build it from source.  Is Linux not a right
OS to compile GRUB on?  I also tried compiling it on OpenBSD-2.4, but
configure script did not work.  Which OS should I use?


Concentration .. Naomaru Itoi

>From compilation log:

gcc -pipe -fno-builtin -nostdinc -O2 -DEXT_C\(x\)="x" -DFSYS_FFS -DNO_DECOMPRESS
age2\"" -I../shared_src -c ../shared_src/stage1_5.c
../shared_src/stage1_5.c: In function `cmain':
../shared_src/stage1_5.c:41: warning: `noreturn' function does return

ld -N -Ttext 2000 -o ffs_stage1_5.exec asm.o char_io.o common.o disk_io.o stage1
_5.o fsys_ffs.o
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 00002000

ld -N -Ttext 8000 -o stage2.exec asm.o common.o char_io.o boot.o cmdline.o gunzi
p.o disk_io.o stage2.o fsys_ffs.o fsys_ext2fs.o fsys_fat.o
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 00008000

ld -N -Ttext 8000 -o stage2.exec asm.o common.o char_io.o boot.o cmdline.o gunzi
p.o disk_io.o stage2.o fsys_ffs.o fsys_ext2fs.o fsys_fat.o
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 00008000
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