
Re: Nonesense question.

> On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, David G. Andersen wrote:
> > 
> > Lo and Behold, Joel M. Damaso said:
> > > Please help:    Tulong!!!                 "tulong = help"  in filipino
> > > 
> > > After compiling my kernel, does all the functions in my program
> > > incorporated in the kernel? or some are in diff libs that if I deploy my
> > > os I need to copy those libos* as well?
> > 
> >    What exactly do you mean?  After compiling and and linking your
> > kernel, all the functions it needs are (by definition - you linked it) 
> > in the resulting file.
> > 
> >   Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your question, though.
> You're correct; all OSKit librarys are static ar archives, not shared objects.

As such, only those functions will be part of the executable that are
either contained in .o files specified on the ld command line, or those
that were needed to satisfy references stemming from such files.

Simply putting a function in a library, and adding the library to 
your link line will not include this function in your kernel: you also
need to refer to it.  Note that the granularity is .o files: if you refer
to any symbol in an .o file, all symbols in that file will be available
in the kernel.  This is no different than linking a C program.

	- Godmar

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