Re: How to write a Kernel
> From: "Joel M. Damaso" <jmdamaso@bhpi.com.ph>
> Subject: Re: How to write a Kernel
> main()
> {
> printf("Hello World");
> }
> 1. In the above source I know that OSkit initialize multiboot params
> etc to make my source an OS kernel. can anyone show me how to
> apply the ff.?
> base_cpu_setup
> base_cpu_init
> base_cpu_load.
Given the above example program, you probably do not need to worry
about these functions. However, I suggest you look at multiboot_main
in oskit/kern/x86/pc/base_multiboot_main.c. This is the startup code
that is run before your main program is invoked. That startup code
does a number of grungy things to ensure that the main program sees a
nice, easy to work in, environment.
BTW: base_cpu_setup is a macro, and all it does is call base_cpu_init,
followed by base_cpu_load.
Leigh B. Stoller Computer Science - Flux Research Group
stoller@cs.utah.edu University of Utah
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