

I have compiled everything. So now I test the kernel. Why is it that
grub won't execute my kernel? I configure it with a -host=i586-linux.

If I used the compiled version say "hello". Grub execute it but it just
display the 0x???? thing but I don't see any "Hello world" on the
screen. Then it return back to grub env. If I create an image using the
mklinuximage, I have grub told me that my kernel requires setup.S in it
or tells me that I have a bad image file or it doesn't support that
image. Have anyone already booted a "hello" example in the kit?. So what
will I do? If I execute "hello" directly inside linux I got a core dump.
Anyone please help me.

And oh, can I run the kernel instead in the linux env? What would I tell
configure if that is possible? Well just to minimize reboots during my

Thank you in advance.


btw, at grub line I type this:

root=(hd0,1)  ; /dev/hd2 am I right

grub reply that Im using exft???. I guess he was right, next I typed

kernel=/root/jammi/examples/x86/hello  ;  core dump

kernel=/root/jammi/examples/x86/zImage  ;  not supported or whatever,
created by mklinuximage

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