
Re: What's the story.

>   Re: making oskit detect a linux ext2fs system.
>   The partition is on drive hda and is partition hda3
>   In the Linux_fs_com.c example i set
>    #define DISK_NAME	"hda"		
>    #define PARTITION_NAME	"hda3"
>    But it does not detect it. Should this be correct?
>    I also made sure it is detecting ide and not scsi.

DISK_NAME refers to the drive which you want to use, and PARTITION_NAME
refers to the partition (on that drive) that you want to use.  The
PARTITION_NAME does NOT include the drive's name.

Looking at the example, the default values are:

	#define DISK_NAME       "sd0"
	#define PARTITION_NAME  "g"

This is BSD-style naming.  You most likely want to use:
	#define DISK_NAME       "wd0"
	#define DISK_NAME       "hda"

To indicate the primary master IDE hard drive.

For the partition, use
	#define PARTITION_NAME  "s3"

To indicate you want the third DOS-style partition.
Or, if you don't have a BSD disklabel on the drive, you could do:
	#define PARTITION_NAME  "c"

If we had a diskpart_lookup_linux_string() routine, we could use
that and just pass in a "3".

If you are still having problems, please run the diskpart
example program on your drives and send the output.

I hope this helps.

Kevin T. Van Maren
University of Utah, CSL

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