
Re: threads problem

> From: John Rowan Littell <jrowan@mandli.com>
> Subject: threads problem
> I'm having a problem using threads on the latest 0.97.  Both of the
> example threads kernels that I've tested (dphils and console_tty) show
> this problem, as well as any kernel I write that uses threads.  I've
> tested this with OSKit compiled for both FreeBSD 2.2.2 and OpenBSD 2.4 --
> same results.  The specific message I'm getting is when pthread_init() is
> called:

BTW: This turned out to be a problem with the compiler tools that John
was using. Switching to FreeBSD 3.0 took care of things.


Leigh B. Stoller                        University of Utah
stoller@cs.utah.edu                     Computer Science Department
http://www.cs.utah.edu/~stoller         Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Voice: (813) 899-9296                   FAX: (801) 585-3743

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