
Re: NetBoot problem

Hi Geert,

> > By the way, all I want to do is to create a kernel which checks
> > integrity of another kernel, and boots it from a hard disk.  My plan
> > is as follows.
> > 1. Install NetBoot.
> > 2. Modify NetBoot to read kernel image from a HD.
> > However, step 1 seems fairly tough ... is there simpler way of making
> > a kernel which boots another kernel from a HD?
> GRUB can boot a kernel from a HD... why not use GRUB (or its sources) ?

It is because I want it to talk to a smartcard through a serial port.
I thought it was easier to implement smartcard communication in
NetBoot than in GRUB because NetBoot can take advantage of tty library
of OSKit. 

Am I reasoning correctly?


Concentration .. Naomaru Itoi

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