
Re: GPL Liscensing on New Release: What Gives?

But by relegating it to "flames" you are guilty of politics.  An
appropriate name would be "licensing" as that is the _issue_.  When I buy
something, I want to know all the details about the agreement.  As such (if
one is more than just a propeller head), the discussions are very valid. 
To not see the validity of discussing a "license" applied to a "product",
or to avoid it, is perhaps a little funny business going on.

The questions are: Why not change to BSD-style licensing for OSKit?  And is
OSKit in the public domain by virtue of the public funding of the project?


> From: David G. Andersen <danderse@cs.utah.edu>

> Okay, I think that we've gotten a bit far-afield from the purpose of
> oskit-users, which is ostensably to discuss the oskit itself, and not
> discuss the license of the oskit.
> Therefore, there's a new list in town:  oskit-flames@flux.cs.utah.edu
> If you want to flame, or have content-empty discussions about the GPL
> vs the BSD license, please send them to oskit-flames@flux.cs.utah.edu.
> To subscribe, send mail to oskit-flames-request@flux.cs.utah.edu.
> Lo and Behold, Tony Taylor said:
> > Wouldn't PT Barnum be proud!
> > 
> > Tony
>   I'm interpreting this as a "please subscribe me to oskit-flames,
> Dave" message.
>   Let me reiterate this a bit.  The majority of the oskit developers,
> and many of the serious users of the oskit, are on oskit-users.  It
> would be very nice to keep the signal to noise ratio high on this list 
> without having to start doing things like moderating the list.  This
> GPL thread needs to migrate to -flames.
>   Sorry for the insertion of administrivia.
>    -dave
> --
> work: danderse@cs.utah.edu                     me:  angio@pobox.com
>       University of Utah                            http://www.angio.net/
>       Computer Science - Flux Research Group