
Re: Installing OSKit on Linux

Looks like your compiler/linker setup is broken.

This would explain why config.guess cannot determine the host
type -- for Linux, it compiles a small program to find out if
it is in a ELF or a.out environment.

This would also explain why compiling aic7xxx_asm.c fails to
find <ctype.h>, <stdio.h>.  They do not need the "linux/"
prefix, but should all be found by the compiler in /usr/include,

On 1999-1-4 Dennis Dixon <ddixon@mcn.org> wrote:
 > I am having trouble configuring and installing the oskit-0.96.tar.gz file
 > on a Debian 1.3 Linux kernel version 2.0.29 with an i486 CPU.
 > For some reason "./configure" will not automatically guess my machine type
 > and o/s.  (This is supposed to be done with the "config.guess" script I
 > believe.)
 > I get the error message: "cannot guess host type; you must specify one"
 > The following bash commands get this results when run on my machine:
 >          uname -m :  i486
 >          uname -r :  2.0.29
 >          uname -s :  Linux
 >          uname -v :  #3 Sat May 31 13:35:27 EST 1997
 > I instead ran the command: "./configure --host=i486-unknown-linux".  The
 > configure script then ran with no errors.  Hopefully this is the correct
 > configuration.
 > The second problem is when I run "make" I get the following errors:
 >      make[1] Entering /usr/local/os2/oskit-0.96/linux/dev
 >      cc -0 aic 7xxx_asm../../linux/src/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_asm.c
 >      ../../linux/..asm.c: ctype.h: No such file or directory
 >      ../../linux/..asm.c: stdio.h: No such file or directory
 >      ../../linux/..asm.c: string.h: No such file or directory
 >      ../../linux/..asm.c: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
 >      ../../linux/..asm.c: unistd.h: No such file or directory
 >      ../../linux/..asm.c: fcntl.h: No such file or directory
 >       make[1]  ***[aic7xxx_asm] error 1
 >       make[1]: Leaving directory "usr/local/os2/oskit0.96/linux/dev"
 >       make:   *** [linux/dev/all.MAKE] error 2
 > Upon closer inspection, if you look at the file:
 > "/linux/src/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_asm.c"
 > It seems that the include commands are missing a directory reference.
 > For example:
 >        "#include   <ctype.h>"  should read "#include <linux/ctype.h>"

-- bart

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