Hello kernel
Forgive my ignorance but I'm new to this. I might actually still be in good
shape, but I'm not sure what to do next. So far I've done the following:
1) unzipped "oskit-0.96.tar.gz" in the directory "/usr/local/os2"
2) ran "./configure" from the "os2" directory and got the error:
"Can't determine machine type ..."
From an earlier version of the oskit that for some reason originally ran
the "configure" command I somehow came up with the machine type:
(I currently have Debian version 1.3/kernel version 2.0.29 installed on a
When I ran "./configure --host=i486-unknown-linuxoldld" the configure
program successfully ran.
3) ran "make". At the end of a long list of output I got the following
make[1] ***[aic7xxx_asm] error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory "usr/local/os2/oskit0.96/linux/dev"
make: *** [linux/dev/all.MAKE] error 2
4) ran "make install" , receiving essentially the same error messages.
I'm not sure what to do next in order to run the hello kernel.
- Are the above errors important or can I ignore them?
- Should there already be an Image file that I could run if I chose to
run the GRUB bootloader off of a floppy? In the examples directory I see
nothing except *.c files.
- Assuming I have a good "linuxboot.bin" file, what command do I run to
create my linux Image?
(e.g. do I copy "hello.c" to the "boot" directory then run:
"mklinuximage hello", then copy the output file to /root as is, and then
change Lilo to make it bootable?)
I know these are basic questions, but any help someone could pass on would
be helpful.
Thank you.
Dennis Dixon
P.O. Box 1896
Fort Bragg, CA 95437
(707) 964-2979